
Digital marketing and social networks the latest news that you should know

Written by Núria Reluy | Sep 17, 2024 8:22:07 AM

The speed of change on social networks is faster than the speed of light, and at Zinkdo we're always looking to keep you up to date with what's new. 

How often have you left Instagram to edit a story? Have you found yourself lacking the time to promote your brand on Reels? Have you ever held back on LinkedIn because it's the most professional and moderated social network? These platforms are evolving every day and both brands and users need to evolve with them. At Zinkdo, we know this and we are always looking for excellence in Community Management for our clients, so today we bring you the latest news in social networks for this September. 


Instagram updates

  • Add to post: Instagram is enabling the feature that allows other people to add content to your post. This can be a great resource for brands and events, as this option creates the possibility to create a post between the brand and the user on the same topic, giving value to the UGC content, not only by the influencers, but also by the users of the platform and the followers of the account.

  • New business cards for creators: Instagram's business cards no longer have the QR as their only claim, they are now more up-to-date and with a more innovative design. 

  • Views as the main metric: Instagram is unifying the metrics of its different formats. Both Reels and Stories are now measured in the same way, through views.

  • New fonts in Reels and Stories: It will no longer be necessary to leave Instagram to edit Stories and Reels on other platforms. The platform is now including more fonts in the application to create more personalised content. 

  • Music in biographies: If there is one thing that defines our personality, it is music. Instagram allows you to include music in biographies, very discreetly and without it playing when you enter the profile. To listen to it, you have to click on the small player button below the biography, and the music will not play automatically when you open the profile. It is important to remember that Instagram's new features are being phased in on mobile devices, so if this feature is not active on your device, you will not be able to listen to the music on the other profiles. 

  • More photos in carousels: The platform gives you the freedom to create more content. Carousels will be able to contain up to 20 photos or videos instead of 10. We are even testing combinations of images and videos of different sizes, without them all having to be square, horizontal or vertical.

  • Square feed in portrait mode: This is probably one of the most striking new features for feeds, especially for brands. We say goodbye to the 1:1 square format and welcome vertical formats in the feed, as most of the content shared on Instagram today is in 3:4 and 16:9 formats. Will it be easier to adapt our content to the feed? Be careful with the safe zone! It is important to leave a significant margin in designs with text or images framed with an end so that these changes do not affect the correct display of the feed, as the platform will trim the images to the new size at the side margins. 

  • 3-minute reels: We've all had the experience of having to cut a video to fit into reels. Instagram is updating the length of this format to 3 minutes, giving you more time to tell your story. 

  • Automatic captions in Reels and Stories: No need to have an in-house team to create captions for Reels and Stories with voiceover, Instagram will now do it for you. 

  • Public comments on Stories: Who doesn't like to comment on everything they see? And if it's public, even better. With this new update, which was already available on some devices, we can comment publicly on all Stories. Will it also be possible to open a debate in this format? Will the algorithm help to better position this type of content? 

  • Instagram and Spotify have never been closer: If you love a song on Instagram, you can now save it directly to your Spotify playlist with just one click. All you have to do is link your Spotify account with your Instagram account.

  • Share on Threads and Facebook: Meta wants to facilitate linearity across all its platforms. You could already do this on Facebook, but now with Threads, you can automatically share the same Instagram post on all three platforms at the same time. 

  • Goodbye to screenshots: We've all taken those pictures that we could only see once, to look at again later. Now you won't be able to, because Instagram is blocking the ability to take screenshots of content that can only be seen once in private messages, because that's why they were created, to be seen only once. 

  • The timeline of memories: Instagram is expected to add the 'Throwback Feed' to give users a dedicated space to review and interact with their old posts. A feed filtered by the year the post was published? We'll keep an eye out...

  • Test reels with non-followers: There is an option to share a reel with non-followers of the accounts as a test to see if the content works or not. Only non-followers will be able to see the reel in the feed and in Reels. Once the test is done, you can enable the option to share it with all users, including your followers.


Latest updates from Linkedin and X

LinkedIn has joined the likes of Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube Shorts in launching its new short videos tab, primarily on the mobile app. This new feature is sure to change the way we interact and consume content on the platform. From now on, a personalised video recommendation will appear in each feed according to your interests, and just like on the two platforms of verticality and scrolling par excellence, once you start watching a video, you will have the option of scrolling continuously to watch video after video. This is an immersive experience that has already proved extremely effective on other platforms.

And of course, X (Twitter) could not be left behind, and Elon Musk continues to work to win over the audience of this social network. The platform is launching X TV, the new feature that allows users to watch personalised content on smart TVs, with an AI-powered algorithm that highlights popular videos. X TV offers live channels of news, sports and other popular content, providing a blend of traditional TV and modern streaming. It also offers cross-platform integration, allowing video playback to continue between mobile phones and TVs. You could say that this new feature aims to make X an 'app for everything', similar to YouTube and Twitch.

So much for the latest news on the main social networks. Having the latest news on the radar allows us to draw up more rigorous and efficient digital strategies, adapting each content to the specificities of each social network and its new features. At Zinkdo, we specialise in content marketing, so if you want to draw up a multichannel strategy with personalised editorial lines and adapted to the news on each social network, you can contact us and we will guide you in drawing up an editorial calendar adapted to each channel and to your corporate identity.